Tuesday, January 15, 2008

'Anything Goes' pancakes

Many moons ago, I worked in a childcare centre as the cookie. I produced a wee cookbook for the centre for parents to take home. This is one of my favourite recipies. The sauce part was purely my invention. In Japan, I used to buy 'okonomiyaki sauce'. God knows what's in it though.I used to go to this great Okonimiyaki place in a little town called Zeze, Japan in Shiga Prefecture. The guy/owner was an ex olympic swimmer(apparently) and smoked like a chimney whilst cooking our mouth watering pancakes before our hungry little eyes....Yummm. Personally, I haven't cooked these for a while. I also think it was one of the few recipies in my book that I didn't try out on the kiddies. So, let me know if your kiddies (or friends) enjoy these as much as I do! I will endevour to cook these this week!!

My camera is still missing. It has been swallowed up, devoured and digested by my house. Naughty house!!

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