Monday, October 27, 2008

Just do it!!!

A cool 60's curtain made great cushions for my friends new house.I have a half finished quilt, half stuffed softie and girls skirt waiting in the wings. Let em' wait I say! I am so determined to make clothes, however keep getting distracted with birthdays, gifts for friends of friends and alterations (for the next door neighbour, for example). Not that I begrudge doing those things...I remember saying to my friends three years ago now that I wanted to make all my clothes. Three years later I have finally cut a pattern out for a grown-up's top. Not kiddies, not cushions or softies... No more distractions! It's time to just do it!!


Christina Lowry said...

I love the cushions! Looking forward to seeing what you are making for yourself! :)

Chrisy said...

...oh yes...just get those jobs out of the way and then focus on doin somethin for urself...

Check these out!

Check these out!
Assorted items...

Groovy dress made from curtains

Groovy dress made from curtains