This tag game is good stuff. Thanks
Tag Rules
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I have decide my favourite NO 1. cheap biscuit of the month award has to go to : Chocolate coated Scotch Fingers. Lovely with a cup of milky Earl Grey tea.
2. I'm not great at putting random or wierd facts about myself out there in any kind of sequential order.
3. I'm not a great coffee drinker. I love it but a little goes a long way and can keep me up half the night.
4. I, like many others suffer from O.R.A.O.M disorder. This is a direct result of starting one project and then starting another without finishing the first and so on.This acronym stands for: Occasional Random Acts Of Mess Disorder. Hey, gotta love those labels!!
5. I CANNOT STAND the way our society has a label for everthing!!! SAD,ADHD,BIPOLAR,ODD,ETCETCETC......It is so convenient these days just to go to the doctor and pop a pill and not actually deal with the problem that has caused the stress/depression in the first place.It especially saddens me when parents who may be going through a bad patch and their child is depressed, rush their child offf to the doctor to have them 'cured'. Anyway, I know there are SOME serious illnesses out there, but really, we have a responsibility to these children, not to turn them into craving drug addicted lunatics by the time they are adults.
6. I love chocolate. Especially Lindt balls and and dark chocolate with almonds or the like.
7. I have had two major career changes and lots of little mini random jobs in between.
ahhhhhhh....that wasn't so bad!