Saturday, February 9, 2008

Let the tags begin!!!

This tag game is good stuff. Thanks .

Tag Rules
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I have decide my favourite NO 1. cheap biscuit of the month award has to go to : Chocolate coated Scotch Fingers. Lovely with a cup of milky Earl Grey tea.

2. I'm not great at putting random or wierd facts about myself out there in any kind of sequential order.

3. I'm not a great coffee drinker. I love it but a little goes a long way and can keep me up half the night.

4. I, like many others suffer from O.R.A.O.M disorder. This is a direct result of starting one project and then starting another without finishing the first and so on.This acronym stands for: Occasional Random Acts Of Mess Disorder. Hey, gotta love those labels!!

5. I CANNOT STAND the way our society has a label for everthing!!! SAD,ADHD,BIPOLAR,ODD,ETCETCETC......It is so convenient these days just to go to the doctor and pop a pill and not actually deal with the problem that has caused the stress/depression in the first place.It especially saddens me when parents who may be going through a bad patch and their child is depressed, rush their child offf to the doctor to have them 'cured'. Anyway, I know there are SOME serious illnesses out there, but really, we have a responsibility to these children, not to turn them into craving drug addicted lunatics by the time they are adults.

6. I love chocolate. Especially Lindt balls and and dark chocolate with almonds or the like.

7. I have had two major career changes and lots of little mini random jobs in between.

ahhhhhhh....that wasn't so bad!


Unknown said...

I was thinking about Earl Grey tea this morning. I often have it when I go out, with milk, but someone told me it is a tea that is not meant to go with milk, it is more for lemon. Oops, I thougth I knew my tea. Well, actually I don't at all, I just use Dilmar T-bags and wish that when I went out I didn't have to think about types, because I just want dilmar.

Anyway I'm glad to know someone else has the EG with milk. I don't feel so strange!

Great facts as well!

zoesquid said...

So glad you dropped by. Thanks for the support re: the ciggy's. Its so nice to hear the success of others. It certainly helps motivate me that little bit more. I hope the move went well. Im sure the sunny craft room will re-inspire your craftiness!

Anonymous said...

thank you very much chalkandcheese for tagging me! I will get to it in a while :)

#4 haha.. I think I have the disorder too. Now I have a label for it.

Christie said...

My acts of mess are not occasional... thay drive my husband CRAZY!

Claire (ethel loves fred) said...

Hey, thanks for the tag, and for reading my blog - nice to meet you! I've been off-line for a bit due to a particularly erksome move - yee Gads, the stuff, the boxes!! Any hoo all moved now!

Kirsty said...

I'm not good at random facts either - but I'll give it a go. Thanks for the tag.

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