Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Doggie Bones!

HA! Finally, got to borrow a camera, thanks mum. As a blogger, life without a camera can be a little disheartening. Our camera has simply dissapeared! I am convinced that our house ate it. Either that, or our son accidently threw it in a box, which then may have been carted to the opp shop. Oh well.... Anyway, I have a myriad of projects and ideas but simply dont know where to start! I have however, managed to bash out a few doggie bones. I first made one of these for Rudi our retriever about 3 years ago. I make them out of old corduroy trousers. He still has the original one floating about my parents garden somewhere. They will take a bit of 'mild' chewing. However, they are mainly for dogs who simply like to carry stuff about!!


Kirsty said...

Very cute - our pup would eat that in about 2 seconds though - he chews EVERYTHING.

CurlyPops said...

They are so cute! I might try one for my dog. Thanks for commenting on my new blog. You are my very first commenter (and probably the first person to read it too)!

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